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about 1 year ago
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about 1 year ago
Galaxy Talk


about 1 year ago
Hello, it's been a while!

This place is kinda dead, let's revive it!

Anyway, join the server at

about 1 year ago
New server spawn!

The server spawn has been completely re-worked! It is small but it still includes everything like warps, a workshop, information, and shops! Some things are still under construction, so expect small changes every now and again. We hope you all like the new server spawn! (it took me 5 hours to build and regenerate every single chunk the old one covered)

about 1 year ago
Forum database issues

The forums recently suffered from database issues, as a result of changing the website host. This means all accounts, posts, and settings were deleted, with no way to recover them. Things may change over time, like new announcements or information posts or settings changed.

about 1 year ago
[RULES] Bencraft Rules

These are the rules of the Bencraft server. Rules may change without notice.


1. Don't use hacked clients

There isn't any point to hacking, apart from getting banned. If you use X-ray hacks then your valuables will be confiscated.

2. Don't discriminate

It is not OK to judge someone because of their gender, age, race or origin. If you do this, you will be banned, no chances.

3. Don't grief/steal

If you grief or steal, the items will be taken away and given back to the original owner. If someone forgets to claim their land, that does not mean you can take from them.

4. Don't dupe

Exploiting glitches in Minecraft to duplicate items is prohibited and will result in a very long ban.

5. Don't build lag machines

Lag machines only disrupt other players' experience on the server, take a long time to build and will be deleted, as well as a very long ban.

6. Auto farms are not allowed

These can decrease the overall performance of the server. The only exception to this is building a semi-auto farm, which is the same as an auto-farm but it must have some form of ON/OFF switch.

7. Don't build gambling machines

These can be easily rigged, and in some countries, gambling is illegal until you are 18+, and this server is based around teenagers.

8. Don't evade a mute/ban with an alt

If you get muted or banned, you must follow through with these. If you are muted, but your alt account isn't, you aren't allowed to talk in chat. Evading a mute or a ban will result in your punishment duration getting extended.